
The role of the governing body as set out by the Department of Education is to

    • Help the school to set high standards by planning for the future and setting targets for continual improvement
    • Be a critical friend to the school offering support and advice
    • Help the school respond to the needs of the parents and community
    • Make the school accountable to the public for what it does
    • Exercise its responsibilities in partnership with the head teacher and staff
    • Work with the school on planning, developing policies and keeping the school under review

The school Local Governing Board Governors at Chapel End are chosen by the  staff, community and parents. All of our governors attend regular meetings and each bring their own individual experience, skills and expertise, whether that be financial, strategic planning or more practical input. Every governor is an invaluable member of the team! The governing body act under the scheme of delegation set by The EveryoneMatters Schools Turst.

To find out more about our Board of Trustees at The Everyone Matters Schools Trust please follow: Board of Trustees - Everyone Matters Schools Trust

The Governing body is made up of 12 members. The Governors are drawn from a number of categories; these areas follows:

Headteacher (by virtue of offfice);Staff Governor (1 only); Parent Governor (two) and Co-opted Governors (eight)

The Chair Of Governors is William Bradbury. 

The Vice Chair of Gvernors is Rebecca Cameron 

The School representative on Governor Forum is Steve Gaskell

The Chapel End Governing body meet each half term as a Local Governing Body. 


Appeals Committee

First 3 available Governors 

Complaints Committee

FIrst available 3 Governors 

Pupil Discipline Committee 

First 3 available Governors 

At Chapel End  our Governing Body has:




Term of office ends Register  of     interest     Attendance to Local Governing Board Meetings  
Mr C.Hewitt Head N/A Nil Return 3/3
Mr W. Bradbury Co-opted  17-11-26 Governor at different schools and member of Billinge Parish Council  2/3
     Mr A. Raven                 Co-opted 25-11-25 Child in school 2/3
Mrs A.Danne Co-Opted 5-12-27 Nil Return  2/3


Mrs R. Cameron           


5-12-27 Child in School  2/3

Mrs C.Montrose

Co-opted 17-11-26 Nil Return 3/3


Mr D.McDonnell                                   

Co-opted 17-11-26 Governor at other schools 2/3
Mr Joe Pearson Co-opted



Nil Return 3/3
Mr S.Gaskell Co-opted


Grandchild in school  3/3
Mrs K.Pickett Staff 


Teacher in School  3/3
Mrs M. Swift  Parent 


Child in School 


Mr A.Dickinson Parent


Child in School


Governors with Governing roles at other schools: 

WIlliam Bradbury 

Dennis McDonnell 

Governors who have ended their terms of service within the last 2 years: 

Kirsty Trivass

Philip Wakefield 

Claire Barker 

Third party tranaction interests 2022-2023:  Nil Return


Link Governors 

Safeguarding - Mr J. Pearson 

SEND- Mrs A. Danne

Finance- Mr S.Gaskell

Curriculum - Mrs R. Cameron 

Data and performance - Mr A.Raven 

GDPR and Information Governance- Mr A.Raven 

Health and Safety & Staff Wellbeing - Mr D. McDonnell

Early Years- Mrs A. Danne 

Pupil Premium - Mr S.Gaskell

Sports Premium- Mr S.Gaskell 

Careers - Mrs R.Cameron 

Staff Training - Mr A.Dickinson


Interested in getting involved?

Click on the  link below for more information