
At Chapel End Primary School we prioritse the wellbeing of everyone in our school community. This area of our website is dedicated to providing parents/carers, children, staff and governors with resources to support their own wellbeing. 


For emergencies regarding metal health please contact the urgent mental health support line on: 0800 051 1508 


Our Senior Mental Heath Leader is Mrs Knowles.

Julie knowles.jpg

To contact Mrs Knowles please call the school office on 01744 678230 or email her on chapelendMHL@sthelens.org.uk


Our school is linked with St Helens Mental Health Support Team (MHST). 


For more information about St Helens Mental Health Support please click on the following links: 






At the bottom of the page you will find some information about 'emotion coaching'. At Chapel End Primary School we are committed to helping children to understand and manage tehir feelings and emotions. We have recently undertaken whole staff training on using 'emotion coaching' to help us to address children's feelings and emotions more effectively. We wanted to share this information with you, as it may also be helpful for you to use at home. If require any further information please come and see Mrs Montrose or Mrs Knowles. 



Emma Stewart is our Mental Health Support Worker 




My name is Emma Stewart and I am an Educational Mental Health Practitioner as part of the St. Helens Mental Health Support Team. I will be working within your child’s school to support good mental health and wellbeing for all young people, inline with the Government Green paper ‘Transforming Children and Young People’s Mental Health Provision’ (2017). Our aim is to promote good mental health, support teachers, pupils, and parents with any specific needs, teach tools and skills, offer resources and advice, and embed a positive attitude and ethos towards mental health within the schools that I support.

I have a background in Primary teaching and taught for many years through KS1 and Early Years in the St. Helens Local Authority, which led to my interest and passion for supporting young people with their wellbeing and holistic development.

I have two children of my own and a Labrador, all of whom keep me busy in my spare time. We love to spend our time walking, exploring new places and having family days out adventuring.

I look forward to meeting you and hopefully being able to help or support if needed in the future!



Listening ear

Parents wishing to support their child through troubled times can access listening ear 

We believe in the transformative power of counselling - Listening Ear (listening-ear.co.uk)


Change Grow Live 

The follwoing link can be accessed by adults within families who are struggling with adiction 

Integrated Recovery Service - St Helen's| Change Grow Live


Safe to Speak 

For adults in need of support following domestic abuse the link below will direct you to safe to speak

Safe2Speak | Support from the St Helens Domestic Abuse Team



Staff can be supported in their wellbeing by accessing Quell 




Change 4 life 




Change4Life Service - Family Action (family-action.org.uk)

Online children and young people's councelling available here:Home - Kooth


Education for children with health needs who can't attend school


The following links can support families with bereavement: 








The following webiste is dedicated towards supporting people in improving their mental health and wellbeing: 

Home | Kind To Your Mind

There are resoursec attached to this relating to be kind to your mind at the bottom of this page. 









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