Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
SEND information
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator - SENDCo - Mrs Catherine Montrose
I can be contacted via the school office on 01744 678230
or by email chapelendSEND@sthelens.org.uk
We believe that early identification of a child's additional needs is vital if we are to help them to develop independence and skills that will support them in their learning. We believe that communication with parents and carers is essential and value your input into your child's Learning Plans.
At Chapel End we have adopted a graduated approach to provision for children with SEND and have further divided the SEND Support stage into 3 categories. This will make it clearer to identify where a child is on their SEND journey and what is the most appropriate next step.
This approach is detailed below
- all children are closely monitored and should staff and/or parents/carers have any concerns they will, following discussions will provide additional short term interventions for individual children.
- SEN Support 1 - Where concerns remain, teachers will write an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Individual Behaviour Plan (IBP) containing realistic and achievable targets. This will be agreed with parents/carers (and where applicable children) and implemented. This will be reviewed at least termly.
- SEN Support 2 - staff may feel that additional advice would be beneficial so they may refer to outside agencies e.g. Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists, Early Years/School Age Pathways, Behaviour Improvement Team etc. and include recommendations in IEPs/IBPs.
- SEN Support 3 - school may apply to the Local Authority for additional enhanced funding to support children.
Further advice, support and information
- Chapel End Primary SEND Policy - available to download below
- Chapel End Primary School SEND Report - available to download below
- www.sthelens.gov.uk/send- this will direct you to the main St Helens SEND page
- www.addvancedsolutions.co.uk/- commissioned to support families pre, during and post diagnosis
- www.autism.org.uk - offering advice and support for families
- www.adhdfoundation.org.uk - offering guidance and support for families
- www.talkingpoint.org.uk - guidance linked to the speech and language of young children