

Intent Statement


Through the teaching and learning of music we intend to stimulate our children’s curiosity about how sounds, patterns and melodies come together to form music. As they progress through our curriculum, we aim for our children to develop their knowledge and understanding about some of the greatest British artists that the music industry has ever produced. We aspire to immerse them in famous theatre productions and expand their experiences of music across a range of genres.

Our approach to teaching and learning in music intends to allow every child to listen and appraise, compose and perform in a progressive way that engages their independence and resilience. We hope that through the teaching of music at Chapel End Primary School, that we inspire our children to learn to play a musical instrument and continue to build on the solid foundations which we have helped them to build.


We will do the best WE can to enable our children to do the best THEY can.


If I like this subject, I could become:... 

A musician

A music technition 

A composer

A theatre star 

A song writer 

An advertising and marketing executive 

A music teacher 

A sound technician

A special effects technician 

A radio producer

A choreographer

An events manager

Drums .JPG Guitar .JPG Samba .JPG Trombone .JPG



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